There is a special reward for those who call to the path of Allah
নিজস্ব প্রতিনিধি
শনিবার রাত ০৩:০৩, ৩০ জুলাই, ২০২২
Calling people to the path of Allah is obligatory and necessary. Now the question is-Is this work necessary for everyone or if some people do it, the responsibility is over?
There is disagreement on the matter. But popularly, it is not wajib for everyone.
It will be done only if some people pay. Therefore, the opinion of Islamic scholars is that there will be some people in the society who will always call people to Allah.
In this regard, the Holy Qur’an says, ‘And there should be a group among you who call for good deeds; They will enjoin good deeds and forbid wrongdoing – and they are the successful ones.’-Surah Ale Imran:-104
It is important to call people from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from evil to good.
At the same time, it is a demand of faith to resist evil deeds.
In the words of the hadith,’Whoever among you sees an evil deed, he will resist it with his own hands.’ If he is not able, he will resist with his tongue. If he is not able, he will think and plan to resist by heart. And this is the weak level of faith.’–Sahih Muslim.
In the light of the mentioned verses and hadiths, it can be understood that it is a moral duty to call people to the path of Allah. But summoners need to have certain qualities.
Among all the desirable qualities of a caller to the path of Allah, the caller should be a scholar and a scholar. That is to have complete knowledge about Islam.
Since every action is dependent on intention. Therefore, it is important that the intention of the caller to the path of Allah is pure. This work cannot be done with the hope of getting showmanship, worldly honor or promotion.
Start with the more important than the less important in the invitation. Like calling to Tawheed first. Then gradually call for prayer, fasting, Hajj, Zakat etc.
Don’t give priority to less important things to the exclusion of more important things. Which was the working method of Prophet-Messenger and Sahabi-Tabayyid. So we need to follow those procedures.
Those who call to the path of Allah must work with patience. Prophets and Messengers have given this teaching in calling to the path of Allah.
Calling people to the path of Allah is the work of prophets and messengers. Those who call people to that path are entitled to great deeds. Allah himself has praised such people.
There is a special reward from Allah Ta’ala for those who call people to the path of Allah. Allah Ta’ala will reward them on the Day of Resurrection. After all, there is welfare for him in this life and the hereafter.
May Almighty Allah grant me and you the Tawfiq to carry out the above tasks, Ameen.